Tuesday, May 26, 2009

And the Winner was . . .Plan B

And I really didn’t need to convince them. I went in on Thursday morning for another follicle ultrasound and she said that one more day would be ideal but since we were leaving town she felt good about doing it on Saturday. So I did the trigger shot on Thursday night and we did the IUI on Saturday morning. Then it was off to Madison for the half marathon. It was good to be sitting in a car for 4 hours and not moving or being stressed – I was able to relax and let the little swimmers do their job!
We had a great time in Madison. J. rocked at his first half marathon – 1 hour and 43 minutes. If you know anything about half marathons that is a really good time! Brat fest was after the race so we sat out in the sun with a brat and a beer and just enjoyed the day!
I’m so glad things worked out this way. We did a lot of baby dancing on our own this weekend. It was a lot of fun since we were in a hotel and in a different town. It always seems like the stresses you might have going on at home go away and you are less distracted. If the IUI didn’t do it this weekend, I’m really thinking all our baby dancing did! J
Thank you for all the well wishes and support! Hopefully I will have good news to report in 2 weeks. I also hope the next two weeks go by fast. It is the last 2 weeks of school and my 2 ww.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Turn of Events

I thought I had planned out our IUI to work out perfectly for this Saturday morning. I stayed on the pill so that I would get my period 11 days prior to us leaving town for J.’s first half marathon in Madison, WI.  I went in this morning for my day 8 ultra sound (which for the past 4 cycles has yielded good looking follicles) I thought for sure I would hear: “Do one more Gonal-f shot, do the trigger shot tomorrow night, and we will see you on Saturday morning for the IUI.” Nope she said that she didn’t think I was ready yet and I needed to come back on Friday to check things again. We would be doing the IUI on Sunday or Monday. WHAT?!?!? Why would this cycle all of a sudden have to be difficult and change things up for me?!?!
Okay, my fertile yoga class has taught me that this journey is full of gray areas, so I have constructed some plans. I am going back in tomorrow morning to see if things change in a day. She doesn’t think they will, but I can hope. I will go back in again on Friday as well. I am crossing my fingers that all will be good tomorrow and we will proceed as I planned with the IUI on Saturday before we leave town, but if not here is my plan B, C, D. . .
Plan B:  I convince them to do the IUI anyway on Saturday. I know this is risking it messing things up and not working, but we can baby dance all weekend to try to get it at some point.
Plan C: We just don’t do an IUI this time at all and we baby dance on our own to see if we can get pregnant that way with the help of the follicle stim injections and the trigger shot (taking that as if we were doing the IUI on Sunday or Monday)
Plan D: J. has a friend from back home and his wife is a doctor. I could call her and plead with her to see if she could do the IUI or refer me to someone who could. Not sure that is ideal or how that would work, but I would be willing to try that route.
Plan E: We don’t go to Madison. This would be a huge bummer because we pre-paid for 2 nights at our hotel and we are traveling with another couple friend of ours, and this is J.’s first half marathon. I think it would be a really good weekend for us, but I know we have to think about where our priorities are.
Wish us luck!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Super fast update

I have no engery, but I realized I haven't posted in awhile so I'm going to make this quick:

- Fertility Yoga Class is FANTASTIC! The instructor is great and all the other ladies in my class are great. It is like group therapy, education, and yoga all in one. I am so glad I have done it. This last week J. came with because a nutritionist came to talk with us. It was good to have J. see who else was going through the same thing as us. It was also hard to hear about what we "shouldn't" be eating. More on that later.

- We met with the RE on Monday. We are on the path of IVF. We are going to try one more IUI this month. The plan would be that if it doesn't work we will take June to get over the cysts (that I get every month after IUI) and we will do IVF in July. There is a lot of pressure for this IUI cycle to work because IVF is really expensive. I am hoping the added pressure will scare us into getting pregnant and not the opposite.

- I went to see my family practice doctor because of the depression and anxiety I was feeling. She prescribed a low dose anti-depressant. I'm not sure if it is a placibo effect, but I am feeling a little more "numb" lately. My terrible students are not bugging me as much and I seem to be more okay with pregnant people around me. This could be all a mental thing - thinking the meds are really helping me - but I will take what I can get!

- When I was at the family practice doc she asked if I had ever had my thyroid checked. If I did I couldn't remember. So she checked it. Apparently I have hypo-thyroidism - who knew!?!?! So I'm on meds for that now too. It could have an effect on our fertility, but probably more on my moods. Maybe it will help me loose those 5lbs I have been wanting to loose.

Okay so that was longer than a short update. . .