Monday, July 27, 2009


I actually had a lot of will power this cycle. IVF put me into a different mind set about testing. I was super nervous for these results. But after much contemplation I decided that I wanted to learn the results on my terms and I wanted to be able to share them with J. in my own way not after a phone call.
So I took the HPT and there is definitely TWO LINES there! I think I'm still in disbelief and still nervous for my first Beta results tomorrow. But, I'm less nervous that I now know that I have a BFP and we will deal with the numbers tomorrow!
Again we are staying at my Mom's house during our home renovations so I am going to tell her and J. tonight at the same time. I had got my Mom a book called "Grandma's Summer" awhile ago and I have been saving it - it is a book about a grandma that takes her grandson to an old cabin for the summer. My Mom has an old cabin up north so I thought it was a cute book. I got J. the "Your Pregnancy: for the father-to-be". I have them wrapped up and will give them to both of them to open after dinner!
I will update my Beta numbers tomorrow!


  1. Congratulations!! So exciting!! Good luck for your beta!

  2. Huge congratulations! With a line that dark, I'm sure that you'll have an AWESOME number tomorrow!

  3. that is going to be an awesome beta tomorrow!! congrats on the dark line!!

  4. HECK YES!! all the pregnant women are sprouting up again...i gave my hubbs those books too, but he refuses to read it untill we know for sure that we wont miscarry...gah

    ♥ ac

  5. This is so exciting!!! Congratulations on your BFP! Can't wait to hear what your beta is tomorrow.

  6. so awesome... one of the best pictures ever!


  7. 2 beautiful lines! Congratulations mommy! Good luck on your beta!

  8. Congrats! I am so happy for you- that is an awesomely dark line- you are going to have a HIGH beta tomorrow! Can't wait to hear it!

  9. OMG, OMG, OMG...those are two GORGEOUS lines! Wow

  10. Congratulations... that is a real dark line! I am sure you will have a super strong beta tomorrow. I commented earlier, though I guess it didn't get posted... oh well! Have fun with the surprise tonight! :)

  11. Wow, Congrats! Let us know how your surprise goes tonight.

  12. OMGosh!!!

    Congrats. That is a pretty HPT. I am jumping for joy for you. Thank you God.

  13. Who! No need for glasses to see that line!

  14. AHH!! Congratulations!!! Those are definitely two BEAUTIFUL lines!!

    (I know I'm late, dang blog roll, I'm so bummed I missed this on Monday)
